Easy Ways To Manage Repayment Of Your Gold Loan - Loan Trivia


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Thursday, 16 February 2023

Easy Ways To Manage Repayment Of Your Gold Loan

Gold loans, being asset-backed, are more affordable and thus more appealing to a wider range of borrowers. However, there are situations when other financial commitments make paying back a gold loan difficult. Let's take a look at some methods that have been effective for handling the gold loan repayment.

Take a look at these 5 easy strategies for handling gold loan repayment wisely.

  • Get a loan for the exact amount you need.

Always ask for the exact quantity of money you'll need in a loan. Absolutely nothing extra! Excessive debt can be a burden. Interest will be charged on the overdue loan balance.

  • Choose the Bullet Repayment Plan

If borrowers select the bullet repayment option, they will be required to repay the loan in full, including all interest and principle, at the conclusion of the loan term. It is not necessary to stick to a specific EMI plan. The name "bullet repayment plan" comes from the fact that the loan is paid off all at once by the borrower.

  • Consider monthly payments first and foremost.

After settling on a target loan amount, borrowers should shop around for a lender who offers a competitive interest rate on gold loans while also providing a high gold loan per gram.

  • Choose a shorter contract term

Loan duration has a negative correlation with EMI, in contrast to interest rates.

  • Pay in advance or in instalments

You can save a lot of money on gold loans if you prepay all the gold loan repayment early or before time.

As a result, a balance transfer for a gold loan per gram requires a very careful consideration of all the above variables or factors. Before selecting this option, be sure to carefully read all of the terms and conditions.

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