Think About These Questions Before Taking a Personal Loan - Loan Trivia


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Monday 23 January 2023

Think About These Questions Before Taking a Personal Loan

Taking out a loan is a long-term financial commitment, so it's important to do your homework before making a final choice.

1. Should I send money from my bank account to my debtors, or do they get paid directly? 

The funds from a Bajaj Finserv Personal Loan will typically be deposited into the account you choose when you apply. Some debt consolidation loan providers, on the other hand, would go straight to your creditors instead of your bank account. Has the money been transferred to your bank account if you'd rather have more control over the situation or if you won't be using the money to pay down your debt but rather for another purpose?

2. How long will I have to pay it back?

Within the first 30 days, you must begin making your monthly payments to the lender. Lending periods from most lenders typically range from six months to seven years. The term of your loan will affect both your interest rate and your monthly payment.

3. How much interest will I have to pay?

Your interest rate is based on many variables, including your credit history, the size of your loan, and the length of time over which you'll be making payments. Variable interest rates ranging from 3.49 per cent to 29.99 per cent are possible. If you have a high credit score and want to borrow money, your best bet is to pay it back as quickly as possible in exchange for a lower interest rate.

4. How long does the loan last? 

When looking into personal loans rates are often the primary factor considered by applicants. They fail to see the significance of the loan's duration. The terms of these loans often range from 6 months to 5 years. Keep in mind that your monthly payment amount will be determined by the total of the loan's length and interest. Personal loans are available from Finserv Markets with payback terms ranging from 12 to 60 months.

A personal loan is a loan that is given to an individual by a financial institution such as a bank, credit union, or credit card company. You may apply either online or in person, and either way, you'll be asked for some identifying data and proof of income.

Read Also: Best Ways To Apply And Get Approval For A Personal Loan

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