Top 5 Tips for First-Time Home Loan Borrowers - Loan Trivia


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Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Top 5 Tips for First-Time Home Loan Borrowers

apply for housing loan

Home loans make for a significant financial commitment, which comes with an extended repayment tenor that can have severe repercussions if not managed well. Inexperienced or first-time borrowers are more prone to making hasty and not well-thought-out decisions that can affect their finances.

Nonetheless, to avoid falling into such pits, one can refer to the five tips mentioned below.

5 tips for first-time home loan borrowers

  1. Draft a financial plan

It is essential to draft a financial plan before apply for housing loan. This outline must include a tally of the fixed obligations and disposable income, and based on that, one needs to assess how much EMI he/she can afford.

  1. Choose a loan offer carefully

In terms of housing credit, there are a plethora of options in the market. However, not every option will suit an individual’s needs. Therefore, go through offers from various lenders and compare home loan interest rates, total loan amount, and repayment tenor to find a suitable option.

  1. Take a note of eligibility criteria

To access a housing loan, it is imperative to meet the eligibility parameters that a lender sets. Thus, one must take note of them and prepare accordingly before applying.

Must Read: Reasons Why You Should Evaluate Your Home Loan Frequently

  1. Be wary of additional charges

A housing loan offer entails various additional charges like processing fees, legal fees, etc. One must consider these additional fees before applying for credit as they can increase the total cost of the loan.

  1. Read through the terms and conditions

Lastly, if you are applying for a home loan in India or anywhere else, it is vital to go through the loan terms and conditions to avoid facing issues in future.

Keeping these pointers in mind will aid prospective borrowers in finding a suitable loan offer.


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