Everything you need to know about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Loan Trivia


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Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Everything you need to know about Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana


Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is the Indian Government’s flagship housing scheme that plans to provide affordable housing for all. Available to every economic stratum of this country, this scheme offers home loans at affordable rates.

The eligibility criteria of this PMAY scheme are as follows –

  • The applicants or their immediate family members must not own a pucca house anywhere in India.

  • Their annual family income must not exceed Rs.18 lakh.

  • One cannot get the benefits of PMAY on already built houses.

  • Beneficiaries must not have availed benefits of any other Government housing scheme.

  • All statutory towns mentioned under Census 2011 are eligible for coverage under this housing for all.

Besides meeting PMAY eligibility criteria, one must submit the following documents as well.

  • KYC details

  • Address proof

  • A properly filled application form

  • Property documents

  • Income proof

After arranging these papers, one can apply for this scheme online through its online portal. Following a successful application, individuals can then check their name through the PMAY list before moving ahead to apply for a housing loan.

The process of accessing PMAY status is as follows –

  • Visit the official website of PMAY.

  • Navigate to the ‘citizen assessment’ section and select ‘track your assessment status’.

  • It will redirect to the ‘track your application status’ page, and one needs to choose the favourable option and go-ahead.

Individuals, when they qualify for this scheme, can then go ahead and apply for a home loan from any financial institution of their choice.

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