The two most availed options to raise funds during emergencies are Personal loans and Credit Cards. For short-term borrowings, credit cards are preferred and for a larger amount, people go for personal loans. Both of these options get you money instantly in your bank account. Loan account openings and Credit Card applications have seen rapid growth in India.
Let us compare personal loan v/s credit card loan and find out which one is better.
Potential borrowers need to have a good CIBIL score in case they need to avail a personal loan or a credit card loan. A good CIBIL score gives the power to negotiate interest rates and get a higher amount sanctioned.
Borrowers need to remember that the interest rate can be reduced in the case of personal loans, whereas flat interest rates are applied on credit card loans.
Using the above comparison, you can choose the best financing option according to you. Bajaj Finserv provides all the above features at competitive rates and faster approvals. You can check your pre-approved loan offer by entering your name and contact details.
Must Read: Know Everything About Personal Loan and a Credit Card Loan
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