Know Everything About Personal Loan and Their Disbursal Process - Loan Trivia


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Saturday, 22 December 2018

Know Everything About Personal Loan and Their Disbursal Process

Unwanted expenses can crop up anytime and the cash needed during such times may or may not be available all the time. In such cases, opting for a personal loan online is one of the best options to deal with any unpredictable expenses.

There are a number of lenders including NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Companies) who disburse the loan amount very quickly once the application is able to meet the eligibility criteria. There are also a number of pre-approved offers for existing borrowers. These tailor-made schemes have made the process simpler and help in saving a lot of time for the borrowers. 

Most people thus prefer taking a personal loan online because of its instant availability. Thus, if you are planning to opt for a personal loan, here’s how you can apply for one - 

Documents Required
# KYC documents
# Employee ID card
# Salary account statements for the past 3 months
# Salary slips of the past two months
Eligibility Criteria for Personal Loan
# The applicant needs to be between 23 to 58 years of age
# Should have a stable source of income 
# Needs to be a citizen residing in India
These days many lenders have started providing borrowers with on online eligibility calculator which helps in evaluating beforehand whether she/he is eligible or not before applying.

Thus, if you require a personal loan, then the option of applying online is the way to go. It gets disbursed quickly and additionally, if you are an existing customer, then the loan disbursal will be quicker and hassle-free.

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