How to Manage your Cash Flow with CA Loan? - Loan Trivia


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Thursday, 14 December 2017

How to Manage your Cash Flow with CA Loan?

Cash flow is the amount of money which is moving in and out in your business. It seems that it is a one way process but actually it flows both ways. Cash is flowing in through the customers or clients who use your services or products. Cash flows out in the form of expenses such as tax, rent or mortgage and many other expenses. You should always be in the situation of positive cash flow where more money is coming in than going out. 
 You can face the same situation if you are running your own firm as a chartered accountant and if you are not in the situation of positive cash flow then you are in danger of being overdrawn. In this case you need to manage your cash flow immediately. The above risk can be eliminated by Flexi loans provided along with the Chartered Accountant Loan by certain banks and financial institutions. In this you are given a Flexi loan account wherein you are allowed to deposit and withdraw  funds as well upto a certain limit. The main benefits of availing the flexi loan are:

  • You will be charged interest only on the amount that you have utilised and not on all the amount available.
  • The rest of the amount not utilised can be partly repayed without any extra charges.  
  • You are not required to re-apply every time you require funds.
  • Withdraw funds as many times you need. 

This way, using flexi loan you can easily manage your cash flow and with this you are also able to keep better track on the cash flow and analyze it. 
To understand about cash flow in detail read the following resource:  Manage your Cash in a better way with CA Loan

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