Become a Part of the Green Revolution! Tips on How to Make your House Eco-Friendly - Loan Trivia


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Monday, 26 December 2016

Become a Part of the Green Revolution! Tips on How to Make your House Eco-Friendly

The concept of eco-living has been gaining popularity amongst the masses. With more and more people actively leading a sustainable lifestyle, eco-living is now considered trendy. So, if you’ve been wanting to give your home an eco-sensitive makeover, now is the perfect time. Many financial institutions can finance your home’s renovation by offering you a Personal Loan. You can check out your eligibility for one using an online Personal Loan calculator, before you dive in.

That said, let’s take a look at the different ways through which you can give your home an eco-friendly upgrade.

Remodel your Home

One of the easiest ways to naturally brighten up your room is by converting your windows to French ones. The wider frame will let in more light into the room and give it a cheerful vibe. Choose lighter shades of drapes, blinds, and curtains to complement the light in the room. For the bathrooms, you can go with low-flow fixture heads that minimise the wastage of water. You can also grow your own garden on the balcony of your apartment or bungalow.

Switch your Electronics

Most of us keep quite a few appliances running throughout the day, which include the likes of refrigerators, computers, geysers, and certain light bulbs. These appliances generate heat, thus adding to the overall temperature of the room. You can cool the room better by switching to greener alternatives like CFL light bulbs, ceiling fans, and lower-energy consuming refrigerators. If you prefer cooling your room with an AC every night, you can use timers to automatically switch it off instead of keeping it on the entire night.

Double Duty your Furniture

Converting your existing furniture to increase its functionality would minimise the amount you’d have to otherwise spend on multiple furniture. For instance, having a couch or ottoman that has storage space can help you keep every day stuff lying on the floor, and out of sight. Your bookshelf can also help in dividing a big area into smaller sections.

Refurbish your Upholstery
If you’ve been planning on reupholstering your furniture, then do it with eco-friendly fabrics like cotton, wool, jute, or hemp canvas. Replacing regular leather or synthetic upholstery with natural breathing ones would help you create a non-toxic living environment. The organic fabric would be more sensitive to allergens and easier to maintain.

Now that you know about the different ways you can convert your abode into a greener one, don’t hesitate to get a Home Improvement Loans and live greener.

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