6 Alternative Options Where you can Invest your Money - Loan Trivia


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Saturday, 21 May 2016

6 Alternative Options Where you can Invest your Money

You earn a lot and save a lot. Your expenses are relatively lower and the savings are high. If this is your situation then you must be finding several other options to start investing in your idle money. As this might be the only way to get exemptions from your taxes.

Saving money certainly helps to wade through the periods of financial uncertainty. But who would dislike an idea in which your savings starts earning along with your regular income. Get some best alternative options where you can invest your idle money.
  1. Investing in FDs is one of the best option to get high interest rate return.
  2. Invest in Mutual Funds.
  3. Real Estate is the ultimate tangible investment. Buy a property which you can sell later on home loan. Calculate the EMI amount which you can repay over long tenure.
  4. Become a silent partner in some Small Businesses and earn profits slowly.
  5. Go for Peer-to-Peer Lending. Decide the interest rate and tenure on your own.
  6. Wisely make speculative investments in precious metals like Gold or Silver. 

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